1.速度:0~10kmyh 2.載重:1Okg 3.控制距離:Skm 4. 爬坡能力:30 度 5.行駛里程:10km
The equipment is a bearing platform of high-precision opticalequipment Itadopts 4x 4 chassis structure and is suspended by independentlongitudinal arm hinge structure. It has strong climbing ability, highoperation preision, stable operation, and can walk and remote controlindependently.
The equipment can change the suspension form, bearing capacityendurance capacity, etc. according to customer requirements, thecommand and control system is fully open, and can provide dfferentperformance controlles, dffent dynamic performance wheel sets anddifferent travel suspension for customers to chose, which can be used asthe secondary development platform of customers.