6 實行可靠的售后服務,讓客戶買的放心,用的舒心。
翻譯結果 (中 > 英) 復制結果 收藏結果
A detailed description of the horizontal mixer:
1, the machine is a horizontal cylinder, three layers of inner and outer spiral belt has a unique structure, stable operation, reliable quality, low noise, long service life, convenient installation and repair, and a variety of agitator structure, multiple functional mixed equipment widely used;
2, fast mixing speed, high mixing uniformity, especially viscous, spiral belt can be mounted scraper, is more suitable for mixed thick, pasty;
3, in the mixture of different material requirements (special materials must be every time after mixing, cleaning) adopts different spiral band structure, heating, drying with jacket;
4, can be customized according to customer requirements.
5, the body can also be provided with a horizontal movable door, in order for the user to clean.
6 the implementation of reliable customer service service, allows customers to buy the rest assured, with enjoyable.
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