The production and manufacture of Fubon brand horizontal mixer (character class description):
1, barrel and raw material contact part is made of stainless steel and carbon steel production, no aggregate dead angle, easy to clean, no pollution;
2, large stainless steel for ultra wide stainless steel "S" shaped blade, mixing to ensure rapid and uniform;
3, the timer can be set to complete mixing time, mixing with low energy consumption, short time, high efficiency;
4, the import motor, reducer is imported machine start steady security;
5, the body is square, bath iron rack, steel to ensure full;
6, a multiple safety protection device, ensure the safety of operators by machine;
7, do 300-5000KG size specifications, more to meet the needs of customers.
8: material can choose A3 carbon steel stainless steel (201304316)
9 the horizontal mixer is applicable to TPR, PVC, PE, ABS, PET crystallization of various types of plastic and all kinds of food industry
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