主營產品: 工程塑料,通用塑料,熱塑性彈性體 |
主營產品: 工程塑料,通用塑料,熱塑性彈性體 |
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更新時間:2018-05-15 17:41:41瀏覽次數:411
我公司銷售的材料均為*材料,咨詢采購! 吳生 186 6517 6937
Breco Antriebstechnik Breher GmbH & Co, Porta Westfalia
The Breco company has developed and patented a timing belt with curved teeth made from Desmopan? 790, the abrasion resistant material that has been used for many years in other types of cogged belt.
With its gradually tapering curved teeth, the belt generates an exceptionally low level of noise.
When tested alongside conventional timing belts with straight tooth profiles, the Breco belt brought about a 6 dB reduction in noise.
Other special features of this curved-tooth belt are:
Curved tooth belts are particularly suitable for use in situations where the design prevents flanged pulleys from being employed.
Detailed Information:
Product: Desmopan 790
TPU油墨主要優點表現于:優異的附著力,低粘度,良好的耐曲撓性,優異的耐磨性,高光澤度,耐氣候性,可以抵御包括UV照射在內的任何陽光暴曬,在各種應用領域中都表現*的強韌性和持久性。芳香族和脂肪族的TPU制成的油墨都能在各種氣候和環境條件下使用,產品具有穩定和杰出的性能TPU 油墨具有光潔平滑的外觀,良好的遮光性及耐醇、附著力強等特點,主要適用于TPU等塑膠的表面裝飾。如手機、筆記本電腦、鞋、轎車皮椅、沙發、高級皮具、手提袋、充氣娛樂TPU制品、雨傘、雨衣等TPU油墨用于金屬、玻璃上,附著率差,易掉漆。