新一代高性能磨粉機是我公司在德國專家的技術指導下,精心研制的新一代塑料產品,在塑料、橡膠、化工等行業具有廣泛應用。是生產廠家降低成本、節約開支、塑料回收再造、創造財富的好幫手。The new high-quality plastics pulverzier are elaboray developde by our company under the guide of German experts.They are widely used in the fields of plastice,rubber and chemical industry.They will be good helpers for the factories to reduce costs,cut down expenses,reuse plastics and make fortune. 磨粉機的設備特點 Features of the plastics-grinding machines ·德國的電器、品牌的配置。 Equipped with electrical appliances from Germany.·耗電少、產量高。 Less electricity consumption, higher throughput.·結構簡單、安裝方便。 Easy structure, easy installation.·磨盤動刀與定刀間隙,采用特定調節(三分鐘完成),新型簡單,便于控制粉體大小。 Clearance between moving and fixed blades and special adjusters (completed within three minutes) to control the size of powder easily.·主機設有風、水循環冷卻系統。 Main engine has wind and water circulating cooling systems.·優質*更換簡便、修磨后可以反復使用。 Fine blades which can be easily changed and used repeatedly after being sharpened. 磨粉對象:PE、LEPE、LLDOE、PVC、ABS、EVA、PS、橡膠、木粉等各類產品。PE, LEPE, LLDOE, PVC, ABS, EVA, PS, rubber, woody chips and other meterials can be grinded by this machine.歡迎各界前來咨詢、試機、購置及來料粉體加工。定制國內外各類磨粉機磨盤、動刀和定刀。Welcome people to consult, try and buy our machines and we can process raw materials on client's.惠邦機械 主營產品:PVC磨粉機,PE磨粉機,超細磨粉機,塑料磨粉機http://www.mofenji1888.com