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Petrothene HDPE LR734011
HDPE (High Density Polyethylene : LUTENE-H)是一種采用低壓聚合式高*制造方式生產,具有優異加工性與品質的世界高品位產品。
高密度聚乙烯(HDPE, LUTENE-H)是*實現商業化,用 低中壓制造方式生產,具有優異加工性與品質的超前衛產品。期間,向美國、日本等*提供生產技術的同時,經過不斷的研究與開發,其優異性能已被*廣泛認可。高密度聚乙烯是一種耐沖擊、高強性產品。耐藥物性、耐環境應力開裂(ESCR)
薄膜, 注射成型, 旋轉成型, 吹空成型, 擠出涂覆, 鋼管涂覆, 管材, 拉伸, 薄膜, 纖維, 片才, 瓶蓋 / 工業用, 農用, 家用器具, 鋼管涂覆, 高速注射, 共擠出纖維, 大型容器, 繩子, 容器, 噴淋, 小型高速吹塑(牛奶容器), 魚網.
大型容器, 壓力管用黑色化合物, 汽車用的燃料水槽, 周轉箱, 油漆筒, 化工藥品容器, 尿布, 購買袋子, 錄音帶, 地膜, 鋁復合管, 加熱管, 碾壓管, 一般管, 大型產品, 高速生產, 袋, 帶子, 瓶子蓋子, 小型容器(牛奶容器), 食用油容器, 運輸容器, 擠出成型, 注射, 管(飲用水管), 壓力管(煤氣罐,水管), 垃圾袋, 吹塑, 礦泉水瓶.
HDPE is polymerized from ethylene to produce a plastic with excellent stiffness and environmental stress crack resistance. It has superb chemical resistance and low water absorption, and is easily processed and machined.
The main applications of HDPE include blow-moulded containers, crates, drums, blown film and pipe. It is ideally suited to food-contact applications.
HDPE has carbon-black-filled grades for the pipe industry as well as natural grades for other applications such as blow moulding, injection moulding and extrusion.
High-Density Polyethylene Operations
HDPE production consists of three polyethylene Trains/Lines, a hydrocarbon distillation facility and an extruder plant.
It is our vision to make HDPE Sasolburg the global benchmark production facility by being the best in quality, reliability and customer satisfaction in our specific slurry process. Our mission is to produce quality product without the cost of human life or danger to the environment.
HDPE resins are linear polyethylenes that bring high levels of stiffness to film.
The high-molecular-weight grade, with high film strength and consistent quality, is widely used for applications such as grocery, garbage and deep-freeze bags (10 to 25 microns).
The characteristics of HDPE resins from provide outstanding quality in molding applications. Injection molding grades can be applied to products such as housewares, food containers and tubs, pallets and crates.
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