- 商品名稱: 三/五軸伺服機械手 BRTR13WDS5PC
- 商品編號: 三/五軸伺服機械手 BRTR13WDS5PC
Three/five-axis servo manipulator
產品特點 Product Features
BRTR13WDS5PC系列適用于360T-700T的各種臥式射出成型機的成 品及水口取出,手臂形式雙截式,分單臂和雙臂,三軸及五軸AC伺服 驅動,可以應用于快速取出或模內貼,模內鑲件等特殊產品應用,定 位精準,速度快,壽命長,故障低,安裝機械手可増加產能(10- 30%)降低產品的不良率,保障操作人員的安全性,減少人工,精準 控制生產量,減少浪費,保證交期。
三/五驅控一體控制系統:信號線少,遠距離通訊,擴展性能好,抗 干擾能力強,重復定位精度高,可以同時控制多軸,設備維護簡單, 故障率少。
BRTR13WDS5PC is applicable to all types of horizontal injection machine ranges of 360T-700T for take-out products and sprues. Vertical arm is telescopic stage with product arm and runner arm. Full AC servo motor driven on each axis and applicable to take-out products with short forming cycle or complex automatic. Also with the function of mold labeling and mold inserting.
Three-axis/five-axis driver and controller integrated system : Less connecting line, long distance communication, good expansion performance strong anti-interference ability, high repeat precision, can simultaneously control multiple axis, simple equipment maintenance, low failure rate.
主要規格 Main Specification
Denote: W: Telescopic type. D: Product arm + runner arm. S: Product arm S3: Three-axis driven by AC Servo Motor(Traverse-axis^ Vertical*axis*Crosswise-axis) S5: Five-axis driven by AC Servo Motor. 上述取物時間,循環時間為我司內部測試標準測試塔果,在機器實際應用過程中會因實際使用行程,負或,調試參數不同而有所變化。
The above-mentioned cycle time are the results of our internal test standard. In the actual application process of the machine, they will vary according to the actual operation, loading and debugging parameters.
Without further notice if specification and exterior have been changed because of improvementlhanks for your understanding.