♦ 科學合理的配方設計,抗拉及抗壓強度高。
♦ Scientific and reasonable formulation design, and high tensile strength and compressive strength.
♦ 性能穩定、耐腐蝕性好
♦ Stable performance and excellent corrosion resistance
♦ 材料等級高,壁厚設計薄,排水量大。
♦ High material grade, designed with thin wall and large displacement.
♦ 抗老化性好,正常使用壽命可達50年。
♦ Excellent aging resistance, with a regular service life up to 50 years.
♦ 施工方便、節省投資。
♦ Convenient construction and low investment.
♦ 重量輕,搬運裝卸方便。