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常州市恒海干燥設備有限公司是集研發、設計、制作、銷售于一體的高科技廠家。是國內干燥設備生產的,銷量多、、顧客最喜愛的廠商。我廠的重點產品有:制粒設備、混合設備、粉碎設備、干燥設備、振動流化床干燥機、高效沸騰干燥機、雙錐回轉真空干燥機、高效沸騰干燥機。公司是全國有名的干燥設備制作公司,產品種類豐富,品質優良受到了廣大消費者的喜愛。  自公司的開辦以來,就一直對干燥機進行著各種研究開發與創新。共有有一批高科技高素質的人為公司服務,為產品的研發出謀劃策,做出方案。同時,公司一直與高等院校合作,學習最近的文化技術,并且引進大量的高素質人才來我公司,為產品的研發制作來出謀劃策。同時,公司每年會派人去國外進行學習交流,引進的科學技術,作為做出產品。在近些年的研究中,公司推出了經濟節能的干燥設備,在做到設備的前提下同樣做到。在滿足廣大顧客的要求下,公司推出了一系列適合不通客戶使用的干燥機。總有一款適合您的要求,總有一款能讓你滿意。  常州市恒海干燥設備有限公司有著秀的研發團隊,的技術,質的產品,的售后,讓你在購買產品后沒有后顧之憂!
SZG系列雙錐回轉真空干燥機 產品信息



原理   Principle





◎  Heat source (for example, low pressure steam or thermal conduct oil) pass through the sealed jacket. The heat will be transmitted to raw material to be dried through inner shell.

Under driving of power, the tank is rotated slowly and the raw material inside it is mixed continuously. The purpose of reinforced drying can be realized.

The raw material exists is under vacuum. The drop of steam pressure makes the moisture (solvent) at the surface of raw material become saturation and will evaporate. The solvent will be discharged through vacuum pump an recovered in time. The inner moisture (solvent) of raw material will infiltrate, evaporate and discharge continuously. The three processes are carried out unceasingly and the purpose of drying can be realized within a short time.



概述   Description



SZG Series Double Tapered Vacuum Dryer is a new generation drying device developed by our factory on the basis of combining the technology of similar equipment. It has two connecting ways, i.e. belt or chain. Therefore it is stable in operation. The special design guarantees two shafts realize good concentricity. Heat medium and vacuum system all adapt reliable rotating connector with the technology from USA. On this basis, we also developed SZG-A. It can carry out steppless speed change and constant temperature control.

As a professional factory in drying industry, we supply hundred sets to the customers every year. As for heat medium, it may be thermal oil or steam or hot water. For drying the adhesive raw material, we have designed specially a stirring plate buffer for you.


特點   Featrures





◎  When oil is used to heat, use automatic constant temperature control. It can be used for drying biology products and mine. Its temperature of operation can be adjusted form 20-160 ℃, and within ±2℃.

Compared to ordinal dryer, its heat efficiency will be 2 times higher.

The heat is indirect. So the raw material can not be polluted. It is in

conformity with the requirement of GMP. It is easy in washing and maintenance.


        浙江華納藥業有限公司       河南華商藥業有限公司        張家港市新宇化工廠         
        浙江潤康藥業有限公司       江蘇綠洲化工有限公司        浙江勝達制藥有限公司


應用   Application

    適用化工、制藥、食品等行業的粉狀、粒狀及纖維狀物料的濃縮、混合、干燥及需低溫干燥的物料(如生化制品等),更適用于易 氧化、易揮發、熱敏性、強烈刺激、有毒性物料和不允許破壞結晶體的物料的干燥。

It is suitable for the raw materials that need to dry at low temoerature (for example, biochenistry products in chenical, pharmaceutical and food stuffindustries.) Particularly it is suitable for the raw materials that are easy tooxidize, volatilize and have strong heat sensitive and toxic and not permitted todestroy its crystal drying.


安裝示意圖   Schmatic of installation




技術參數   Technical parameters

項目 item 單位 機型 spec
名稱 name unit 100 200 350 500 750 1000 1500 2000 3000 4500
總容積 total volume L 100 200 350 500 750 1000 1500 2000 3000 4500
工作容積 working volume L ≤50 ≤100 ≤175 ≤250 ≤375 ≤500 ≤750 ≤1000 ≤1500 ≤2250
加熱面積 heating area m2 1.16 1.5 2 2.63 3.5 4.61 5.58 7.5 9.6 13.8
轉速 speed rpm 3-13
功率 power Kw 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 3 3 5.5 7.5 11
回轉高度 Height of roating frame mm 1810 1910 2090 2195 2500 2665 2915 3055 3330 4210
整機重量 total weight Kg 550 700 900 1100 1200 1300 1500 2000 3000 4000
罐內設計壓力 design pressure inside the tank Mpa 0.09-0.096
夾層設計壓力 design pressure inside jacket Mpa ≤0.3

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