本機用于軟包裝復合袋、PE 膜包裝袋 自動底封和剪刀,具有微機控制、變頻調速、 光電跟蹤、自動控溫。是生產冷飲、雪糕、餅干、干果、茶葉、礦泉水標簽、洗衣粉等包裝的理想設備,工作計數自動停車等特點。
This is machine is used to make the flexible laminate bag, PE packing bag, automatic sealing and cutting. The features as micron computer control, inverter adjust speed, photocell tracking, automatic temperature control, counting. It's the ideal machine to produce the package of drink, ice cream, cookie, tea, etc.
二、樣品袋 Sample bags
三、主要技術參數 Main Technical Parameter