產品描述:IEEE, ISO 和ICC等國際標準組織由許多業內的圖像專家組成,他們是各個領域的,共同著行業和規范。 國際標準可以引導大家得到獨立的可進行比較的數據結果。參考國際標準有助于拓展視野,以及得到更好的可追溯性。
ISO國標標準化組織: International Organization for Standardization
ISO TC42 WG 18: 這個組織致力于數字成像相關的技術標準。
ISO 12233 for photography and electronic still picture imaging, resolution and spatial frequency
ISO 12232 for ISO, speed rating, standard output sensitivity, and recommended exposure index
ISO 15739: Noise and dynamic range
ISO 14524: Tone curve OECF standard
ISO 17850: Geometric distortion
ISO 17957: Uniformity/shading measurements
ISO 18844: Flare
ISO 19084: Chromatic displacement
ISO 19567: Texture reproduction – partial support
ISO TC 22 Road Vehicles SC 35: Lighting and visibility
ISO 16505: Automotive side-mirror replacement system standard (partial support)