NIST-Traceable Raman Standards
The STAN-RAM785 and STAN-RAM532 are NIST-certified standards for determining the absolute spectral intensity of your Raman system. They consist of an optical glass that emits a broadband luminescence spectrum when excited with a laser:
STAN-RAM785 ?Select this standard when using a 785 nm laser as your excitation source. The STAN-RAM785 is available for .
STAN-RAM532 ? Select this standard when using a 532 nm laser. The STAN-RAM532 is available for .
The shape of this luminescence spectrum is expressed by a polynomial equation that relates the relative spectral intensity to the wavenumber from the excitation wavelength. Determining the absolute spectral intensity of your Raman system is essential for those performing peak-to-peak height analysis and those collecting a spectral library.
Our QE-65000 Scientific-grade Spectrometer was designed for low-level applications such as Raman spectroscopy. The QE65000 Spectrometer is available for.