◆ 搭配普通冷卻水空載可達-32℃~-40℃露點,搭配冷水機空載情況下,甚至可達-40℃以下露點;
◆ 除濕與再生連續循環工作,確保露點溫度穩成一條直線;
◆ 采用陶瓷纖維為基材的蜂巢轉輪,除濕效果好;
◆ 不產生污染確保塑膠品質;
◆ 轉輪可耐1000℃高溫以防火災,防酸耐堿,平均壽命3-8年以上;
◆ 再生溫度為180℃,比傳統的熱風干燥機節省2/3時間和30-40%的能源;
◆ 一臺除濕機可以搭配數個獨立干燥料斗使用。
◆ With ordinary cooling water, the dew point can reach -32℃~-40℃ withoutload, and it can even reach the dew point below -40℃ under the conditionof no load with chiller;
◆ Dehumidification and regeneration work in a continuous cycle to ensure astable dew point temperature in a straight line;
◆ The honeycomb runner using ceramic fiber as the base material has gooddehumidification effect;
◆ No pollution to ensure plastic quality;
◆ The runner can withstand 1000℃ high temperature to prevent fire, acidand alkali, and the average life span is more than 3-8 years;
◆ The regeneration temperature is 180℃, which saves 2/3 time and 30-40%energy compared with traditional hot air dryers;
◆ One dehumidifier can be used with several independent drying hoppers.