無錫友合塑膠機械有限公司坐落在經濟發達的長江三角洲,風景秀麗的太湖之濱一一無錫市,南臨312國道,北依滬寧高速,京滬鐵路,交通十分便利。無錫友合塑膠機械有限公司是一家具有多年輕工塑料機械生產歷史的專業公司。擁有*的加工設備,雄厚的設計制造技術力量,*的工藝水平,完善的檢測儀器,嚴格執行質量管理體系來適應市場應變能力融科研,制造,營銷于一體,公司擁有行業內專家,研發的環保型木塑結皮發泡板材機組,其結構性能在國內屬不錯水平。公司產品執行行業標準,質量高,全國各地,遠銷南亞、東南亞、中東、南美非洲等國家和地區。受到客戶的好評與信賴,享有很高的信譽。開拓、奮進、求實是公司的精神,創新、優質、誠信是公司的立足之本,不懈努力以滿足客戶不斷增長的需求,并為塑料機械設備行業做出貢獻。熱忱歡迎海內外朋友,新老客戶蒞臨我公司考察,指導和洽談。我們愿與您真誠合作,共創輝煌。Wuxi Youhe Plastic Cement Machinery Co.,Ltd,a professional corporation that has many years experience on making plasticmachineries.has advanced process equipments, abundant technique power for making and designing,first-class workmanshipand perfect detecting instruments.At the same time, we has a strictly quality cool system and the stain capacity thatsuitable for market demands.We put research,manufacture and marketing all in one.Our company has skilled expert whoresearched the environment- -friendly plastic crust foam wood plate production line, which structural and performanceleads the authorities among competitors.Our equipments executed the business standard,dependabe quality,covered all parts of the couy.The machinery hasbeen exported to Southern Asia, Southeast Asia, South America, Middle East etc nations and regions. Our products obtaineda favorable acceptance and trust.Meanwhile, we earned a high reputation.Developping, spurting, matter-of-fact attitude are our spirits. Innovation, excellent quality and sincere are our foothold.Wewill continuously make great efforts to satisfy the customers' increasing requirements, and make coibution for the plasticmachine industry.We warmly welcome friends from home and abroad, for futher supervision,investigation and discusstion.