通徑DN40-burkert 6213隔膜閥
通徑DN40-burkert 6213隔膜閥
為使閥門*打開至少需要0.1bar的壓差。 Burkert has been committed to fluid control products and systems in the field of research and development, manufacture. Burkert now has developed into one with more than three thousand employees, in Germany, France has five production plants. In more than 40 countries and regions set up a branch of the multinational group, become a global leader in the field of fluid control system.The spring coupling of the diaphragm supports the opening process of the valve. In its standard version, the valve is suitable for use in liquids.
053826N 134459U 152274C 500345M 782737U
053829Z 134460Z 152297U 500407D 782738D
053830W 134461N 152347D 500434X 782739E
053832L 134462P 152398H 500440R 782741G