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*可樂麗Kuraray PARAPET GR01240報價物性表相關介紹如下:
The Methacrylate Company handles materials ranging from methyl methacrylate monomer to methacrylic resin (molding material, sheets), methacrylic synthetic marble, stamped product.
Through the application of proprietary stamper technology, we have won a large share of the market for LCD backlighting device light-guide plates.
The products that Kuraray supplies to domestic and overseas consumer electrical appliance and IT media manufacturers enjoy a high reputation.
1)Methyl methacrylate (MMA) monomer
Kuraray's methacrylic resin business is fully integrated from upstream operations to downstream, and encompasses the manufacturing and sale of MMA monomer as a raw material in the production of resins.
MMA monomer is used in methacrylic resin molding materials and sheets, paints, and paper coatings, and has in recent years found a broad range of applications as a raw material in plastics, such as ABS and MS resins for optical applications.