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我公司*現貨銷售提供報價TPE Monprene MP-1627-L3誠信供應*塑膠原材料。
提供報價TPE Monprene MP-1627-L3誠信供應相關產品介紹,應用如下:
● 適用于耳塞的 Monprene OM-16277 的包覆成型化合物。這種硬度為 75(肖氏 A 級)的化合物可以制造出柔軟、適合耳朵形狀且重量極輕的產品,比重僅為 0.910。該化合物為天然半透明,因此既可按原樣使用,也可以采用定制顏色。
● 適用于智能手機外殼的 Monprene OM-12268 包覆成型化合物。這種硬度為 70(肖氏 A 級)的化合物可為硬質外殼提供柔軟、減震的保護層。在附著強度測試中,失敗的原因在于內聚粘結力,而不是粘性。該化合物光滑的表面使得手機能夠輕松滑入衣兜以及從中取出。它具有耐水和耐風化的特性。
Low is suitable for earplugs Monprene OM - 16277 coated molding compounds.The hardness of 75 chemical compounds (shore A) can produce soft, products suitable for ear shape and light in weight, only 0.910.The compounds of the natural and translucent, therefore can be used as-is, also can use a custom color.
Low is suitable for the inligent phone shell Monprene OM - 12268 coated molding compounds.The hardness of 70 chemical compounds (shore A) provide soft and hard shell shock absorption layer.In adhesion strength test, the failure of the reason is that the cohesion and cohesive force, not sticky.The compounds of smooth surface makes the phone can easily slip into pocket and take out.It has the characteristics of resistance to water and weathering.